Dating back 5,000 years to ancient Egypt, China and India. Reflexology as we know today is attributed to the work of Eunice Ingham an American therapist who mapped reflex points on the feet and hands, these correspond to all the organs, glands and parts of the body. It works by massaging and stimulating these reflex points. I work holistically to treat the whole person, mind, body and soul. Reflexology is a non-invasive and relaxing complementary therapy that aims to optimise both physical and emotional health.
There are more than 7,000 nerve endings in the human foot and 5,000 on the hands. One of the amazing features of reflexology is that whilst totally non-invasive, you sit fully clothed just removing footwear, I am able to access your whole energy body through a combination of skilful opening, kneading , effleurage massage and touch.
Reflexology does not claim to cure conditions. However, many people find reflexology a vital tool in managing their health and well-being. Please wear comfortable loose bottoms that can be pulled up to the knee.
I have the option of adding a 15 minute facial reflexology to the start of 1 hour reflexology on the feet for an extra £15